Is the Spann Family Related to the Fruner Family

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Let Us Talk

22. Speak about:

  1. royal palaces in London;
  2. regal parks in London;
  3. King Henry VIII;
  4. Queen Elizabeth I;
  5. Queen Victoria.

22. Wait through the brief information about Queen Elizabeth Two and speak about her. Male parent: the Duke1 of York, later Rex George Half dozen. Mother: Mary, the duchess2 of York.



� Built-in in Windsor on 21 Apr 1926.
� Full name: Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor.
� Pet name: Lilibet.
� Educated at habitation, taught to read and write by her parents, studied Latin, Geography, Economics, Music.
� Knew foreign languages, spoke French well.
� Skillful at horse-riding, dancing, swimming; took office in swimming competitions.
� Lived in Windsor and Buckingham Palace with her parents.

Young Lady

� Made her showtime speech on the radio in 1940 during the war.
� Wanted to help the army: grew vegetables and knittediii socks for soldiers.
� Learned to drive.
� Married Prince Philip in 1947.
� Prince Charles (first son) was born in 1948.

Immature Queen

� Came to the throne in 1952.
� Was crowned in Westminster Abbey in London on two June 1953.
� Made her first Christmas speech to the nation in 1957 (at present this voice communication is traditional).


� Plays an important role in the country.
� Travels a lot.
� Has 4 children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward.
� Likes reading, taking pictures, watching horse races.
� Has five official residences in Britain, Buckingham Palace in London and Windsor Castle about London amongst them.

24. a) Look at the family tree of the Windsors and say how the members of the family are related. (Numbers show order of succession to the Crown.4)

1 a duke � ������
2 a duchess � ���������
three to knit � ������ 4 social club of succession to the Crown � ������� ������������ ��������

Example: Zara Phillips is the Queen�s granddaughter.

1. Prince Henry is Lady Diana�s ...
2. Princess Anne is the Queen Mother�s ...
3. Princess Margaret is the Queen Mother�s ...
4. The Queen is Princess Anne�s ...

5. Prince William is Prince Philip�s ...
half-dozen. The Queen is Princess Margaret�s ...
seven. Prince Henry is Princess Beatrice�s ...
8. Prince Andrew is Prince Edward�s ...

b) Ask your friends questions nigh the royal family unit, find out:

  • how many members in that location are in the Windsor family;
  • if all her children are married;
  • who they are married to;
  • how many grandchildren the Queen has got;
  • who the Queen is married to;
  • if the Queen has whatever brothers or sisters;
  • who the Queen�south eldest child is;
  • who the youngest kid is;
  • who Prince William and Prince Henry�s parents are;
  • who can be the side by side monarch later Queen Elizabeth.

c) Speak about the royal family today, use the questions of section b) as a plan.

25. Look at the map of London, find the places continued with the royal family unit, say where they are situated and what you know nearly them.

26. Expect through ex. 23 and tell your friends about Queen Elizabeth�s parents.

27. Choose a partner and make upward a dialogue about presents you become and give. Mention:

  • when you get/give presents;
  • what you usually get/requite;
  • who gives you presents;
  • where you buy presents;
  • for whom y'all purchase/to whom y'all give your presents;
  • what presents you can make yourself;
  • what was the best/the well-nigh unusual/the biggest/the nicest present you accept always got;
  • what nowadays you�d like to get for Christmas.

* * * * * Let Us Write * * * * *

28. Do ex. six, ex. 8, ex. 10, ex. fifteen, ex. 24 (b) in writing.

29. Express the same in English.

  1. 1. ����� �������� ���������! ���� ����� ����������, �� ������ ����� �����!
    2. ��� ��������� ���� ���!
    3. ��� ������� ���� ����� ����� � ������!
    4. ����� �������� ������� ������! ���� ����� �������! � �������� ����� �����!
    5. ��� ������ ���� �����, �� ����� �������. � �� ����� ����� ������.
    6. ����� ������� �������� � ��� �� �����!
  2. 1. ����� ������ �������� ����������� ����������� ��������?
    2. ��� ���������� ���������� �������?
    iii. ��� ������ ������� � ����� XVI ����?
    4. ������ ������ ������ VIII ��� ����� �� ���������� (important) �������� ��������?
    five. ��� ��������� ���� ����� ������ � ������� ������?
    6. ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ������?
    7. ����� ����� � ������� ������ � ������� �������� �������� � ������ ��������?
    8. ����� �������� ��������� 2 ������ �� ������� (come to the throne)?
    9. ����� ����� � ������� ���������� ��� � ����������� �����?
    x. �������� ��������� Two � ������������ �������� ��������, �� ��� ��?

thirty. Write answers to the questions of ex. 29 (b).

31. Wait at the words again and get set to write a spelling quiz on them.

official, a ceremony, a residence, an avenue, a pro-cession, public, a character, a monarch, politics, control, a throne, a tragedy, classical, an empire, to own, a crown/to crown, to reign/reign, to defeat/defeat, to remind, touching, a reason

* * * * * Let usa listen and Discuss * * * * *

32. Listen to the tape, 36.

33. Put these sentences in the right order.

  1. Paul was going to stay in the Majestic Hotel.
  2. Ian advised Paul to visit the British Museum and the Tower of London.
  3. Paul admired the procession walking forth the Mall.
  4. Paul followed the taxi in his motorcar.
  5. Paul decided to visit London.
  6. Paul stopped a taxi.
  7. Paul couldn�t find his hotel.

34. Imagine that you are Paul, a man of affairs from France. Tell your friend Ian about your visit to London.


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